Another Life Lesson?
This blog is bouncing back and forth in history, and I feel like I am in Mr. Peabody’s Wayback Machine. We land in 1993. I am working at Aurelio’s Pizza. Things are not so bad yet with my drinking, but in a few short years it will be the Nightmare. I was totally dedicated to this job and if I had to, I would work seven days a week. That did not happen very often. So, one day, in the Spring of 1993, my Step-Mom – who I considered as a Mom – called me up out of the blue and was chatting, but I could feel there was something else behind this and it wouldn’t be good. She said, “Your father has cancer.” Big silence. What she had said was taking quite a minute for me to process. She began to explain to me the game plan laid out for my Dad’s treatment. As I said, I was having a hard time processing this and a lot of it went by me as I did not understand much about cancer treatment. I called my Dad and talked with him for a while. He explained to me about the chemotherapy and rad...